Friday, September 13, 2019

Can President Donald Trump Read?

After reading the essay, "Why Rational People Buy into Conspiracy Theories," by Maggie Koerth-Baker, visit one of the many conspiracy theory sites on the Web, and skim some of the theories there. Identify one theory that makes sense to you, and write a paragraph explaining your rationale.
Image result for president trump not reading          The conspiracy theory I found, although I must admit amused me (you might gather from reading this that I am not of fan of the current President), also does seem to be at least slightly plausible. Elect President Donald Trump can’t read. There are multiple people claiming that Trump can’t read, and multiple videos showing what appears to be him stumbling over words.  Upon watching a video showing Trump evades reading aloud in a legal hearing. It would seem to bring to light some to the validity of this statement. If indeed Trump can read, I would question what grade level his reading skills are at. One can simply skim his Twitter account and catch the many spelling mistakes, coupled with improper sentences, and overall bad grammar, to at the very least come to the conclusion that if he can read, it is likely that his reading skills are minimal at best. I find it disturbing to think that the leader of a country would have minimal or even no reading skills. The ability to acquire knowledge through the written word is an essential skill in any leadership position, and in my opinion mandatory for the President of the United States of America. I strongly hope that this conspiracy is false, but I am left pondering how true it really is.

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